Saturday 14 May 2011


This year one of things I've struggled most with is self-motivation, I never appreciated quite how hard it was to teach yourself until I started teaching myself Latin and having to do Maths by myself.

I basically learn Latin at A2 by seeing a tutor for one hour a week and doing the rest of the work by myself but because I've had not had any jobs (except voluntary jobs) and because I've not been at school and therefore had no timetable to keep me in place, I've been losing my sense of time. I've also found that because I don't have any friends who are doing A2 Latin, it's hard to remember everything I learn because I have no one to discuss it with and I don't have teachers there to constantly remind me of the topics, that I'm covering for A2 Latin.

Maths, however is the topic I struggle with even more, when it comes to self-motivation because I've only had 3 Maths lessons since leaving school, and so I have to set myself work, I only started to realise that this was a problem when I got my results for my January resits. My German went up to an A but my Maths only went up by one mark, I realised that the reason for this must be that I was seeing a german assistant every week, to practice oral cards for my oral exam, whereas I did as many maths papers as I could psyche myself up to doing. I think the other problem with Maths was that I was doing papers that I'd done before, and so the whole idea of doing them again seemed tedious. I know you could say that I should see a tutor more often for maths but the problem is that it's only really useful if you have enough problems to go over with them, and I don't have enough problems to go over with them so it would be pointless and a waste of my time and money.

One of the solutions I've found to my problem of self-motivation is going to the library because I don't bring my laptop to the library so I can't be distracted by websites like Facebook and Twitter or paid surveys and there are no home comforts there to distract you either. The only problem with going to the library is that there are no desks in the libraries of my nearest towns (which are small/rural towns) because they've all been taken over by computers so I have to go to the big towns.

Another solution I've found to self-motivation for Latin is podcasts because they make you feel more like  you're in a lesson because you're listening to someone tell you things you didn't know before and it really helps me to understand the more of the historical contexts of the topics I'm covering, and I've also found one to help me with regard to the Latin language.

I think if Latin was a more popular course that was offered at a college, I probably would have done it at a college so that I could have had more people to discuss it with and turn to for help and so that I could have had more opportunities to develop my ideas and be reminded of the details of the topic. Nevertheless I think this is good experience for university because most of the time you have to do work by yourself and teach yourself since you only have a few hours or lectures/seminars each week so it might make it easier to adapt to university life but I tend to think it's easier to cope with this change of circumstances at university because you have your friends there and there are people there, who are studying your course, so there are people you can go to to help you with your problems.