Saturday 11 December 2010

My faith in politicians

So yesterday, I wrote about how I'm not currently sure which party I support in British politics. However, at the moment I'm also losing my faith in politicians both inside and outside of Britain because of the whole Wikileaks' scandal.

I think of Obama, I was very supportive of him in the election because he'd always put himself forward as someone who was very much in support of human rights and justice for the people. He himself condemned what had happened at Guantanamo Bay and said he "condemned all torture".  He's also made many speeches in which he supports democracy, such as the one he made in China. But yet now, when Julian Assange is exposing all of the governments unknown human rights' abuses and countries wrong doings in order to try and make them more accountable and transparent, he seems to be making Sweden pay two women to say that Assange raped them, so that his work is halted and he tries to justify by saying that Assange is "posing a danger", when he clearly isn't. So how much does he really support human rights? Does he just support them when it suits him to do so?

I also think of Hilary Clinton, she also seemed to be very much in support of human rights and justice, and before she dropped out of the election I supported her. But yet I see her doing exactly the same as Obama, she says that Julian Assange is 'sabotaging peaceful relations' between countries. In a way it doesn't surprise me because it was revealed a few months ago that she wanted Britain to cover up CIA torture evidence. But this has made me lose even more respect for her. These are politicians who condemn corrupt countries, where leaders oppress those who try to expose government wrong doings and yet when this happens to them they oppress the person whose exposing their wrong doings. I'm not trying to say that they are as bad as those leaders, because they aren't nearly as bad but the way they are carrying on in this instance is nevertheless hypocritical.

Admittedly in the case of Cameron, he hasn't spoken out quite so much for Human Rights. In fact he was the one who was even threatening to withdraw us from the Human Rights Act if the Conservatives 
were in power. So maybe it's less of a surprise that he's also trying to stop Julian Assange from carrying on with his work.

I also have to admit that in all of this, it is a minority of politicians who are condemning the actions of Assange outright. But what annoys me is, that none of the politicians are speaking out against the way in which Assange is being treated, and that they seem to think it is fine to carry on in this way.

What also annoys me is the way in which all the countries involved in the imprisonment of Assange are just doing it because that's what America wants and America is the financial capital of the world, so they feel they have to, even though they have the Human Rights Act as part of their constitution. But why should someone's rights come second to money?

The way that the politicians are behaving is a disgrace given that we're in the 21st Century.

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