Tuesday 5 July 2011

Another blog

Yesterday I decided to start another blog but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop updating this one, although naturally I will stop updating it in late September/ early October, when I go to university, and make another blog.

My reason for starting a new blog is that I'm still having no success in finding a job and so currently my only way of making money is to do surveys, so I decided that another way of making money would be to advertise on my blog, and you might ask the question: why don't I just advertise on this one? But I'd rather not advertise on this one because it's more personal, and so I don't want to find myself being unable to publish posts because they make the company I advertise look bad and also because it's personal, I don't get many visitors, so advertisers would be highly unlikely to use this blog to advertise their products.

I thought of many different blogs I could set up, a political blog, a blog of daily photos or a daily blog about music. In the end I decided to do a blog about music because although I take a great interest in politics, I probably won't have so much time to blog about it when I go to university and although I love taking photographs, I just wouldn't have the time to find lots of good things to photograph when I'm doing a law degree but music is an easier thing to blog about because you can find everything you need for the blog on the internet.

I've had a passion for many different sorts of music for a long time, and one of my favourite categories of music is world music, so I've decided to do one about world music, in which I upload one song from the category each day, and therefore decided to call it World Music Daily. So if you like world music, please follow my new blog: http://worldmusicdaily1.blogspot.com/

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